The Management of the company states its concern on avoiding accidents at work and professional sickness, as well as the continuous improvement of its safety and health conditions at the workplace.

As a consequence of this, it assumes the commitment to IMPLEMENT, LEAD and DEVELOP a Management System on Work-related Risks Prevention with the aim of:

  • Avoiding accidents and work-related diseases
  • Improving the profitability of the company
  • Comply with what is stated in the Spanish prevention law and in the regulations of the prevention services.
  • This Management System on Work-related Risks Prevention will be integrated in our COMPANY MANAGEMENT, which means, in our combined activities and decisions, not only in the technical processes and in the organization of work and in its conditions, but also in the hierarchy including at all its levels.
  • The Prevention conceived this way becomes a responsibility to EACH and EVERYONE with whom we work in the company, which redounds in benefit of all its members. That is the reason why we ask for everyone’s strong collaboration. Without it no achievements would be possible.
  • The Management of the company commits itself to provide all the adequate resources for the development of the Management System of Work-related Risk Prevention, to spread it to all the personnel and to encourage its fulfilment.

Registration certificate